My Fellow Singaporeans How Are You Feeling?


Recently I was watching this youtube video of PM Lee making an update on the current COVID19 situation:

PM Lee Hsien Loong on Singapore’s post-COVID-19 future, says “Do not fear”

Looking down in the comments section got me interested in understanding how the typical (or not typical) Singaporean feel. Since I knew a fair bit about natural language processing I decided to analyse the comments of this video.

Training methodology

As I could not find any dataset on youtube comments, I used a tweet dataset that I got from kaggle with both sentiment and emotion labels. Then I used a pretrained DistilBert model to train the data. You can see the training code here.

Model Output

The model outputs emotions and sentiments.

Here are the possible emotions

Here are the possible sentiments:

Applying the model on a COVID19 announcement by our Prime Minister

By using a youtube comment scraper, I scraped the comments and applied the model to the comments on the video. For text that are too long, they are cut off at around ~500 words. There are about 500 comments in the end after some data cleaning.

The results are pretty good! Here are some examples


Comment Sentiment Emotion
LKY came out from his grave and disapproved this message. negative sadness
Thank you PM LEE, not easy for the government. Well done so far! positive happiness
thank you daddy lee positive love
Opposition & Opposition Supporter go away la. Dont try to Divide SG United & brain wash Singaporean to vote you for corruption. Disgusting ! Not happy with PAP & Singapore. Migrate to Hongkong or Taiwan protest & protest la. Singaporean dont want Political fight. Just want stability in the hand of PAP. So Regret voting for Opposition party last time negative hate
I’m always inspired and motivated by PM’s speeches. With our PM and his Cabinet leading us, I’m confident we will overcome any obstacles and come out stronger than before #SGUnited positive relief
time for the ministers to cut pay. 4G leaders make a mess, refused to apologies for their mistakes and blame us. Paid so well doing a roaring business themselves and still got face to take such high salaries. Vietnam did better than us. 0 fatalities. less than 10% got infected. We your citizens who are paying you are not dumbass. You guys better buckle up or be shipped (sheep) out negative sadness
Thank you Singapore! It is proud to be a Singaporean positive happiness

Next I plot the data into a pie chart to see the general sentiments and emotions of the public.



It shows that Singaporeans seem to be positive but are still feeling worried.

Download final output

You can see the final model output in out.csv

Just for interest I ran it on a another video

COVID-19: PM Lee announces 4-week extension of Singapore circuit breaker to Jun 1




Comment Sentiment Emotion
That time is 18 days when we have the circuit breaker neutral worry
I cannot imagine the Nasty Moron in the WH speaking with so much intelligence, compassion & leadership. Majulah Singapura ! negative worry
I kind of want it to extend until september neutral neutral
Thanks God YHVH, the Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth for Efficient and Caring Government. positive love
I want what your drinking mr Lee neutral worry
Honestly.. 1m safe distancing is not enough. One droplets two droplets maybe it works.. but when we are talking about millions billions of droplets circulating since now there so many confirmed and undetected cases around.. can 1m safe distancing really works? I think scientists researchers really need to confirm this. A drop can fall on the ground and dries up in short distances. But when theres too much it works like tsunami. The whole world need to think about this.. this is not just short distance airborne anymore. We are talking about much more particles that combines and travel even further than just 1m. neutral worry
Dying with envy here. Your prime minister appears on TV and assures that they are above the situation and you have the resources to tackle the virus. Well, you should be grateful… Here in our country, it is what it is that you can surmise from the news. positive worry
Right on PM Lee. Stay Safe. Want to be president of America? Wait, you can’t, because you are not America born. Doesn’t hurt in dreaming. positive neutral

Download model output

You can see the final model output in out2.csv

And Here are the stats


sentiment Do not fear video Extend 4 weeks video
positive 40.7% 30.4%
negative 21.9% 17.8%
neutral 37.4% 51.8%


emotion Do not fear video Extend 4 weeks video
worry 33.2% 32.6%
sadness 8.7% 5.8%
neutral 28.9% 37.9%
relief 1.8% 2.5%
hate 1.6% 2.5%
happiness 19.0% 13.1%
surprise 0.8% 0%
love 6.1% 5.3%

Looks like positivity increased in the Do Not Fear video. However it seems people are more emotional at the same time(less people are neutral). But people are more happy too! One thing is for sure, love for PM lee has increased.

Running the model yourself on any video

Download the model

You can download the model here under output

Run it on colab

No installation is required! Youtube comments scraper is included in this notebook all you need to do is to put in the video id. Mount the trained model onto your google drive and run the notebook below.

Open In Colab